
Could have been a movie

It's the eve of TIFF 2018 and I was out and about this morning, getting a little cycling in before the bike goes in storage for the next 11 days.

On the trail leading to the Leslie Spit, I rounded a corner and a vision appeared, heading in my direction. A young woman was riding a commuter bike, in full nun's habit. It was about 9:15 in the morning and the sun was almost directly in front of me. As a result, the sun's rays lit her habit from behind, creating a nimbus around her. At the very least, an Instagram moment if not one from a movie.

As we passed, I said good morning to her and she smiled. A few metres further on, a small serpent was attempting to cross the path (I gave it some room and it went on its way).

An interesting start to the day, with symbols both divine and sinister.

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