
The Climb (dir: Michael Angelo Covino)

Generally I’m not that interested in “bro” films but this looked like it might be something a little off the beaten track. As it turned out, it was. 

Mike and Kyle are long-time friends (the characters are played by the director/co-writer and other co-writer). The film opens on a bike ride in the south of France. On a long and challenging hill, Mike confesses to sleeping with Kyle’s fiancée. 

From that reveal, the film covers the next few years of their lives, their relationships and their growth as characters, although there is very little of that for Mike and marginally more for Kyle. 

The humour emerges from situation and often falls into the “did they really say that?” category.  The cast do a good job of selling it and there are a few scenes that are very funny (besides the bike ride at the beginning, there is a wedding scene later on that is just as good).  

This feels like something whose natural home is probably a streaming service where it would have the time to build an audience

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