
It's a Wrap

A little obvious as a title line, but what the hell.

The 2008 edition of TIFF ended with a little bit of craziness called "Eden Log", yet another Midnight Madness programme offering.

Visually quite inventive (they made a virtue of necessity by maximizing their miniscule budget through finding some terrific locations and shooting the entire film with minimal lighting), the movie concerns an amnesiac hero trying to find his way through a mysterious underground complex while battling strange, feral mutants. The journey ends with the discovery of the role of a giant tree connected to the complex.

Not exactly Shakespeare (:->). The narrative is structured like a video game, with the player moving through different levels of the complex. It's also very reminiscent of the type of stories featured in the 70's era comic "Heavy Metal" ("Metal Hurlant" in France) and both were cited by the director in his Q&A.

Music for the film was provided by Seppuku Paradigm, a French industrial music group.

Distribution for the North American market has been sold, so this should become available at some point.

With the end of the festival, I'll be reworking some of the earlier blog posts to add hyperlinks, correct typos and grammatical errors. I'll also be putting together some post-mortem material, once I've had a chance to think a bit more about the past 10 days.

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