
Product Placement

A completely glorious end to summer this weekend in Toronto, with lots of sun and highs in the mid-20's. Any clouds on the horizon are scheduled for later this week, when the festival starts. Good thing I'll be inside...

I collected my stack of printed tickets for TIFF this afternoon. The fun starts on Thursday night with two films of (hopefully not "from") hell -- a documentary on Henri-Georges Cluzot ("L'Enfer de Henri-Georges Cluzot") and Lars von Trier's "Antichrist".

Of course, there is a world of film outside the festival. I was out for a bike ride yesterday morning, travelling westbound on Queen East. As I pulled up to Broadview, I looked over at a bus shelter and saw a poster for a new Bruce Willis film called "Surrogates").

Apparently the film is about a world where people have robotic surrogates who live their lives for them. There are two posters (one male, one female), each with a buff person pulling their top off. At the point between the top of their pants and the bottom of their top, the exposed torso stops at a certain point and a mechanical spine is visible.

The poster I saw was the female version. The bus shelter was just outside an old strip club in Toronto called "Jilly's", offering an interesting juxtaposition between the posters of the "fantasy" women on the outside of the club and the one on the bus shelter.

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