
Goodbye to Language 3D

Jean-Luc Godard's latest film continues his experiments with cinema, only this time using 3D equipment. It features many of the techniques he's used in more conventional films over the past few years -- the use of repeated intertitles, a soundtrack using dialogue in multiple languages, only part of which is translated to English, violent transitions in sound and visuals, etc.

To this he's added both "conventional" uses of 3D, mostly in the area of providing an immersive experience but also attempting some approaches that stretch the possibilities of 3D, not always successfully. For example, in a couple of instances he overlays two discrete images, both in 3D. The effect for me was instantly painful as I unconsciously tried to resolve them into something meaningful.

Although there are some images that are quite beautiful, for me it never moved from the level of an interesting art installation rather than a coherent film.

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