
They're at the post...

It's less than 48 hours to the first film of TIFF 2012. Time to re-awaken the blog for another year of sensory overload.

As it turns out, the New York Times had a piece on the just-completed Telluride Film Festival. There is definitely a "circuit" for films and festivals; all of the films listed in the article are also part of this year's schedule and, as it turned out, almost all of them were on my "long list" of possible films to see. My final list of 40-odd films includes "No" and "The Act of Killing". More on those films in the days to come.

Initial impressions? This year's list includes a number of longer films than last year, with a few films stretching three hours or more. It's probably one of the more expansive schedules I've put together, with contributions from all but a couple of the festival's programs.

The fun starts Thursday at 12:00 with a double bill of Chris Marker films.

1 comment:

Gavin O'Hara said...

Missed this earlier, but the Globe also ran an article on Telluride at http://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/awards-and-festivals/tiff/film-festivals-new-battle-cry-first/article4517412/, talking about the competition between festivals to be the "first" or to offer the most premieres.

Still, it's a big change from the 90's, when TIFF and the Montreal Festival were the Hatfields and McCoys of film festivals.