
Back to Porridge*

TIFF 2010 ended yesterday with a full slate of screenings (this is something they used to do in the "old days", although at that time, the last day's schedule was released on the final "official" day of the festival. The idea was that the last Sunday represented a collection of fan favourites). For me, it was a day for resetting myself and getting ready for the return to work.

Sunday was also the day when various awards were handed out at a end-of-TIFF luncheon. The People's Choice award for feature was "The King's Speech"; as in most years, I did not have this on my list of films, so I can offer no comment, nor did I hear any comments about it in the lines).

The best documentary was "Force of Nature: The David Suzuki Movie" and the People's Choice in the Midnight Madness program was "Stake Land". I was three-for-three, not having seen any of them.

However, I did see "Incendies", which was given the award for Best Canadian film, an excellent choice and easily the best of the few Canadian films that I did see.

The last couple of days of the festival were full of a number of interesting films, including two of the best that I saw this year. Over the next few days, I'll provide a few comments on some of the more notable films.

(* a favourite expression of my father's, meaning the special time has ended and it's back to the daily grind)

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