
There's always something new (bureaucracy edition)

One of the challenges for the TIFF theatres is managing the line-ups for films yet to be shown. At the AMC theatre at Yonge and Dundaa' there are often helf a dozen discrete lines vying for space in the common area of the theatre. At its worst, it's like the old Ottawa airport on a Friday afternoon.

Tonight the line for "Marimbas from Hell" was put in one of the vacant theatres. We trooped into the theatre, some grabbing seats; others standing or leaning on the railing.

After about 15 minutes of this, a very perky volunteer captain came in and tried to organize us in the order in which we had entered it. It was probably only her sunny disposition that prevented people from unceremoniously throwing her out and locking the door.

The "real" theatre opened up after about five minutes of this and we all happily swarmed out of the staging area to find our seats.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

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